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Who can HR Trust?

"Tell me who can you trust these days? Cause people don't be about it like they say, gotta be watching your back night and day, who can you trust?" - Mint Condition

I was on a coaching preview call last week, and the lady said to me, "I'm very sceptical about hiring a coach because the last time I invested in a coach, I got nothing out of it. It felt like my money went up in smoke."

Are you having trouble finding the right HR coach in the vast sea of options? Trust me, I've been there, and it can be a maze trying to find someone who truly understands your HR challenges and can steer you in the right direction without feeling like a waste of your time and money.

I scoured the internet for an HR coach and came up short. 

In 2018, I scoured the internet for an HR coach and came up short. It felt like finding a needle in a haystack. Times have changed, and thankfully, there are more of us now. Yet, the lingering doubt remains: how do you know your investment in a coach will truly be worth it? 

Let me share a few nuggets of wisdom that might help you on this quest:

  1. Seek Similar Experience: Look for someone who has held HR roles similar to those you hold or aspire to hold—experience matters. 

  2. Coaching Tenure: Ask how long they've been coaching. Experience counts here, too. 

  3. Ideal Client Profile: Inquire about their ideal client. It's vital to ensure you're a good fit for each other. 

  4. Define Success: Ask them how they measure success. Make sure their goals align with yours. 

  5. Peek into Sessions: Get a glimpse of what a coaching session entails. Visualizing the process can help you determine compatibility. 

  6. Flexibility: What if your goals change mid-journey? Ask them how they handle such scenarios. 

Remember to scope out their website and social media profiles. Look for genuine connections and testimonials, not just a sales pitch. Seek coaches who are people-focused rather than driven solely by sales targets. In my coaching programs, my focus is exclusively on aiding HR professionals like yourself to thrive. 

I aim to help you build confidence, navigate personal growth, and enhance your skills, ultimately leading you toward a fulfilling HR career. I'm dedicated to ensuring that every step of your journey is purposeful and meaningful. Click this link to schedule your complimentary coaching preview call, and I will see you on the other side.

With heart, 

Julie Turney #yourhrcoach 💗

P.S. Don't wait. Your journey to transforming your HR career begins now.

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